Recently I stumbled upon Premier Baby Concierge, the most brilliant service for expectant mothers...by the time I was done visiting their website, I was left with one question, "Where were these motherly saviors when I was pregnant???!!!"
Premier Baby Concierge offers the ultimate service to expectant and new parents - a literal personal assistant to help you conquer any task that may come your way during pregnancy and beyond. Premier Baby Concierge specializes in assisting expectant mothers with tasks such as selecting appropriate baby shower gift registry items, assessing the baby nursery prior to baby's arrival, assisting mom-to-be with errands such as shopping and meal planning, as well as baby shower coordination. Premier Baby Concierge also offers its clients several educational courses such as:
Creating a birth plan
Hospital preparation
Sibling preparation
Pet preparation
Welcome home, baby!
Homemade organic baby food
Returning to work
Routine, baby!
Sleep, baby!
Breastfeeding/ weaning preparation
Maternity leave preparation
Returning to work
Life insurance, estate, savings planning
And more!
Premier Baby Concierge offers many more services than what I've listed here; if you live in the Philadelphia region, this service is one that can't be missed!
toll free: 1.877.567.BABY (2229) local 484.716.4795